A Comprehensive Approach to 3D Design
SOLIDWORKS solutions cover all aspects of your product development process with a seamless, integrated workflow—design, verification, sustainable design, communication and data management. Designers and engineers can span multiple disciplines with ease, shortening the design cycle, increasing productivity and delivering innovative products to market faster.
SOLIDWORKS® 3D CAD software delivers powerful design functionality with the intuitive SOLIDWORKS user interface to speed your design process and make you instantly productive.

SOLIDWORKS Premium is a comprehensive 3D design solution that adds powerful simulation and design validation to the capabilities of SOLIDWORKS Professional, as well as ECAD/MCAD collaboration, reverse engineering, and advanced wire and pipe routing functionality.

SOLIDWORKS Professional builds on the capabilities of SOLIDWORKS Standard to increase design productivity, with file management tools, advanced photorealistic rendering, automated cost estimation, eDrawings® Professional collaboration capabilities, automated design and drawing checking, and a sophisticated components and parts library.

Get up to speed quickly with SOLIDWORKS Standard and unlock the benefits of this powerful 3D design solution for rapid creation of parts, assemblies, and 2D drawings. Application-specific tools for sheet metal, weldments, surfacing, and mold tool and die make it easy to deliver best-in-class designs.
SOLIDWORKS Technical Communication Solutions
Precise & Accurate Technical Documentation
Your company and your customers rely on your technical product communication for detailed information about your product—how it works, how to assemble it, how to use it, and how to service it. Does your shop floor have to accommodate last-minute design changes frequently? Does your technical communication reflect the high quality of your products? Do you have to wait for the physical product or prototype to take photos before starting your assembly instructions? Do your manuals and brochures stay up-to-date? Do you keep recreating the same images for different materials?

Technical Communication Packages
Whatever technical communication deliverables you need to produce –

SOLIDWORKS Composer software streamlines the creation of 2D and 3D graphical contents for product communication and technical illustrations. SOLIDWORKS Composer users can routinely create technical documentation parallel with product development, simplifying their process and accelerating time-to-market.

SOLIDWORKS Inspection software automates the creation of ballooned inspection drawings and inspection sheets for First Article Inspection (FAI) and in process inspections. Save time and virtually eliminate errors by speeding up this repetitive manual process.

SOLIDWORKS MBD helps define, organize, and publish 3D Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) including 3D model data in industry-standard file formats. It guides the manufacturing process directly in 3D, which helps streamline production, cut cycle time, reduce errors, and support industry standards.
SOLIDWORKS Visualization Tools
Turning Imagination into Reality
Who can benefit from SOLIDWORKS® Visualization products? SOLIDWORKS Visualization products are created for anyone who needs to create professional photo-quality images, animations, and other 3D content in the fastest and easiest way possible. SOLIDWORKS Visualize is hardware agnostic, which means designers, engineers, and content creators who use SOLIDWORKS or other CAD creation tools (such as Rhino®, Autodesk Alias®, 3dsMax®) for product, architectural, yacht, mechanical, and other designs can produce an enhanced 3D decision making experience in a fast, easy, and fun way.

Visualization Packages
Whatever technical communication deliverables you need to produce –
An extensive tool set to easily create images, animations, and interactive content.
Tell a deeper story with CAD data by generating photo-quality imagery, interactive animations, and 360 degree spins to effectively communicate the most complex design details. SOLIDWORKS Visualize Professional includes all the great features of SOLIDWORKS Visualize Standard, plus advanced features like animations, real time Presentation Mode, camera filters, Render Queue, and much more.
The fastest and easiest way to photo-quality images for anyone that needs to take "photos" of their 3D data.
No longer compromise the quality of design presentations and marketing collateral by relying on screen grabs or costly photographs of physical prototypes to show an upcoming product. Quickly and easily create emotional content to improve the development process and provide marketing with photo-quality assets earlier than ever imagined.
Send render jobs to a dedicated cluster of machine(s) to instantly increase render speed and content productivity.
Similar to a printer queue in your office, SOLIDWORKS Visualize Boost allows SOLIDWORKS Visualize Professional users to send jobs to other machine(s), freeing up your machine to keep using Visualize, CAD, or other demanding applications.
Interested in getting advice from an experienced and professional Engineering Consultant? Call us today and see what we can do for you.