GEOVIA I Model the Sustainable Planet
Dassault Systemes GEOVIA Products
Mining software for geologists, engineers, surveyors, mine management, and more.
Virtual Planet GEOVIA provides 3DEXPERIENCE® Universes to Model and Simulate our Planet from the vast expanse of the geosphere to the smallest details of urban settlements. GEOVIA supports the sustainable capture, use and re-use of natural resources across the planet.

GEOVIA Products
Mining software for geologists, engineers, surveyors, mine management, and more.
As mining companies seek to develop sustainable mining operations, improve mine planning and increase mine productivity, they turn to Dassault Systèmes for the latest proven software solutions and digital innovations in technology. GEOVIA is part of Dassault Systèmes, providing the 3DEXPERIENCE platform and 3DEXPERIENCE® Universes to discover, model and harness our natural and urban environments.
Geology and Mine Planning

GEOVIA Surpac is the world’s most popular geology and mine planning software, supporting open pit and underground operations and exploration projects in more than 120 countries. The software delivers efficiency and accuracy through ease-of-use, powerful 3D graphics and workflow automation that can be aligned to company-specific processes and data flows. Surpac addresses all the requirements of geologists, surveyors, and mining engineers in the resource sector and is flexible enough to be suitable for every commodity, orebody and mining method. Its multilingual capabilities allow global companies to support a common solution across their operations.

GEOVIA GEMS is the leader in collaborative geology and mine planning solutions. GEMS provides the capabilities for open pit and underground mining professionals in exploration, modeling, mine design, long-term planning and production scheduling. With GEMS’ unique centralized database, geologists and engineers gain immediate access to organized, up-to-date geological and mine planning data, while the breakthrough block model conversion engine enables users to collaborate together using different software packages, providing direct conversion between different block model formats.

GEOVIA Minex is the recognized world leader of integrated geology and mine planning solutions for coal and other stratified deposits.
Minex ensures resources are evaluated accurately and mined efficiently from exploration to rehabilitation. As a single integrated solution, data and skills can be readily moved between teams at significant time and cost savings. Across the world, mining companies turn to Minex to more accurately design, plan and implement mining strategies which drive additional efficiencies, increase productivity, control costs and increase profitability.
Tactical Mine Planning

Intuitive, rapid setup and guided workflows take the complexity out of tactical mine planning, putting real decision-making power back in the hands of engineers and mining operations. MineSched produces long and short-term schedules that meet capacity and material quality targets. Schedule from pre-created block, grid, and polygon models that originate from many different mine planning systems, including GEOVIA Surpac™ and other industry geology and mine planning products.
With target-driven automated tactical planning, there’s no need to manually adjust schedules with Gantt charts or spreadsheets. MineSched creates schedules that improve mine site operational productivity and profitability.
Strategic Mine Planning

When exploration and mining companies need to evaluate the financial viability and the optimal mine strategy for a deposit, they turn to the industry leading strategic mine planning solution – GEOVIA Whittle.
Companies depend on Whittle to help them determine their investment strategy and to deliver robust mine plans that maximize profitability by taking into account real mining constraints.
Whittle delivers trusted results and is used in scoping, feasibility, life-of-mine scheduling, and in the ongoing re-evaluation of mine plans throughout the production phase.

PCBC is used by virtually every mining company involved in block caving who depend on it to improve profits through better mine plans, schedules and production management.
PCBC clients realize substantial increases in deposit value through more accurate resource estimations and reports, while benefiting from better dilution management and geotechnical stability.
PCBC has a proven track record for keeping production schedules current under the dynamically changing conditions at operating mines.